May 18, 2010

All Is Fair in Love-

One of my defining characteristics among my friends is my love of rainbows. I mean, I LOVE. RAINBOWS. I don't know what it is, but something about the way that all the colors are arranged just awakens something in my brain and it's pleasant to me, but they have to be done right. For example, this picture isn't quite right, as the rainbow has almost no green, so it bothers me a little bit, but the picture does represent my feelings. I have many accessories and such with a rainbow theme, and during my trip to Europe, I just about fainted with how much more they had. I bought a belt, socks, and I wanted to buy a rainbow hoodie, but I didn't for some reason. My first day of marching band, I wore my rainbow belt, and my whistle was on a rainbow lanyard. After the practice, a girl that came back after a year away came up to me and said "I was going to ask you something, but it might offend you." So I replied with "No, what is it?" and she asked in a hushed tone, "Are you like...a lesbian or do you just like rainbows?" Now this girl is awesome, and I know she would never try to offend me. There wasn't any tone of disdain in her voice, and I just laughed and said "I just like rainbows"

Now I've been told many times by several friends that it wouldn't surprise them if I turned out to be at least bisexual, and my other friend says she's waiting for that day to come for some reason. I don't have any problems with gay people, or gay marriage, because I believe that everyone is special in their own way and they all deserve the same amount of happiness. Heck, even the Declaration of Independence says that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Now my dad has stressed the "PURSUIT of happiness" bit, but we're not guaranteed it. You're allowed to work for it. But I digress. My dream for years and years has been to marry a gentleman, and have children with him, and live with him till death do us part. The man is the constant in the equation, yet at the moment, I feel like I lack a sexuality. I don't feel attraction to either side, though last year I was like BOYS BOYS BOYS. I've come to the realization that men are imbeciles, at least in high school, so I just shouldn't waste my valuable brain power on them. Another thing is that my dad is a homophobic, and if I ever became a lesbian, than the relationship between us would probably break completely. In the long run, that would be bad...

So I plead that one day things will change, and that one day headlines with read "GAY MARRIAGE LEGALIZED IN THE US" and cheers will be heard around the world, though it might cause travel to decline to areas like Belgium and Niagara Falls, but I hope not because both places are beautiful!

Happy Blogging!

Who would give a law to lovers?  Love is unto itself a higher law.

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Edgy, Excitable, Music-Loving, Ambitious, Nervous, Shy, Leader, Nerdy, Quirky, Tad OCD