May 16, 2010

Blast to the Past

Today was a pretty lazy day. I slept through church, a treat for me, since my brother didn't need to go. Once I got up from that, I sat around and plays some Sims 2, not getting much done on that either. There was lunch after the boys left to go play baseball, and while they were out, I made a trip to Barnes and Noble to buy my 3 summer reading books for AP English, putting me back $50. I thought that the coupon my teacher gave us was going to give us a discount, but instead a percentage went to after-prom, which I'm not even going to! Well, I hope my senior friends have fun with my money! I had to buy "All the King's Men", "The Things They Carried" and "A Brave New World". I have so much to read and for once I'm not particularly looking forward to it, but it will get done, as it always does. While at the bookstore, I read through the second Black Butler manga, which I will buy eventually, and then I just headed home. I got home and my neighbor mistook me for my brother, and I stayed inside most of the day.

But you may be thinking "why is this titled 'Blast to the Past' if it's all about what you did today?" Well for one, it is the past now, but the real reason is due to the fact that I watched The Brave Little Toaster on Youtube today! I remember watching that movie to death as a kid, but I never realized that it was more of a grown up animated feature. The references aren't those that children would understand, such as the historical allusions made by Radio (who has to be my favorite character) and Lampy even made a reference to the Holocaust when he said "when my first lightbulb burned out, I thought I was done for, 86ed, TO THE SHOWERS" and I was just like WOW (that's a low price!). Anyways, it's also pretty scary! I remember being scared of some parts as a kid, but I never realized how dark it was! I mean, exhibit A, the nightmare sequence, when Toaster dreams of seeing his "master" again, only to have the whole thing go up in smoke, and have THIS GUY come and show up! I'm not scared of clowns, but that's just WRONG. And then there is a whole part where the Air Conditioner gets furious and starts shouting and then blows a fuse and DIES. It caused a whole bunch on controversy, but it was made when animated films were made to be much darker than today's rainbows and unicorns and Barbie and everything is happy all the time. I mean come on, it was made in 1987 (another thing I didn't know. It had to be at least 10 years old when I saw it!).

All in all though, it was nice to see it again, even the disturbing bits. If you want to, you can see 10 of the 11 parts on Youtube, because the first broke copyright laws or something. If you didn't watch it as a kid, just spend an hour and a half of your time on a lazy day like today and watch it then. It's so amusing!

Happy Blogging!

"Memory is a child walking along a seashore.  You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things"
-Pierce Harris

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