May 30, 2010

What a Wonderful Weekend!

My weekend was one to blog about. It wasn't the usual one, with me sitting around doing NOTHING, wishing I was doing something. It started early Saturday, and my mom and I went to my grandpa's house so we could take care of his flowers. He's unable to do it, and my mom's brothers that live at home just don't do it. Oh well, it gave us some time to all be together. Mom, my aunt and I worked really hard, and the guys couldn't work on anything we asked them to do for any length of time. Mom was right: guys can't work and talk at the same time. My grandpa came out and watched us, and he seemed like such an old man, just like a dad with his son with his "don't talk to me with that attitude!" I asked him to tell me some war stories, but he was ashamed because he said that because he wasn't on the front lines, he's not worthy to be a veteran. It's pretty sad, since he told me when he was giving me my "military service talk" that for every person with a gun, there are hundred's of people behind the scenes to keep everything moving. I don't think it's something to be ashamed about, being in World War 2. Part of me wants to go into the Air Force and become a medic, but the other thinks that I couldn't handle it, while I'm all for discipline. Anyways, we worked for a good 4 hours at least, and I feel it, My shoulder hurt from pushing the broom over and over again, and I did a lot of squatting, moving, and I've gotten pretty red, more than normal. I don't regret doing it though, even if I was exhausted in the end.

Then today, we had church as usual, with the last Sunday School class until next year. We had a pot luck breakfast, but I kept myself from eating too much, even though I had a donut, a waffle and DELICIOUS French toast casserole. I was pulled out early for bell choir, to play music I was supposed to look at, but didn't. I played it well when we were supposed to at least, but until then I was pretty bad...oh well. The service pretty much put me to sleep. After church, dad, my brother and I went to the Towpath to ride our bikes. We go a few times a summer usually, and today was an awesome day to do it, and we weren't the only ones with that idea. We bike 6 miles from the parking lot to a small town, where we stop to have ice cream (I declined...gotta lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks!) and then go back. I lead the way the whole way there, just listening to my music and enjoying nature. When I arrived in town, a Thomas the Tank Engine train was at the station, and it just made me smile.

I have a confession to make. Deep down inside, I love trains. When I was a kid, I had an obsession with Thomas, the foundation of my tomboy nature. Something in me was wakened today. A few minutes after I arrived, a huge engine called the Saint Lucie Sound pulls up, blowing it's horn and chugging along. The engineer waved at us and I just teared up. I'm a pretty sensitive person, but this just made me smile, and I was glad that I was sweating and wearing sunglasses, because I wouldn't want anyone to see me crying like that. I don't know what it was, and as I walked away, I was still filled with sadness, because it's only a matter of time before trains become obsolete and no other children can enjoy them the way I did, and still do to a degree. By the way, the picture is of the actual train!
So to wrap up, I'm sitting here with my upper back thighs screaming at me. They don't want to walk, and they hate that I have to march tomorrow. It's my last parade! D=. It's all coming to a realization that I'm going to become a senior next year. It's so crazy...I can't believe it. It's so close, yet so far away. I can't wait to go to college, and yet I'm scared that I won't be able to support myself and stuff. Only time will tell, and hopefully soon I'll have a job to get myself a car and stuff. I still have time to work!

Happy Blogging!

May 28, 2010

It's On!

So I get my senior pictures done in less than a month. More like...3 weeks exactly and I want to look my best. Therefore, I have made it my goal to lose at least 5 pounds by that time. I have never been successful in the whole weight-loss department, and I have been overweight most of my life. I'm sick of it, and many times I have tried to do something about it. About 2 years ago, I gave up Pepsi. Lately, I've had 2 cans and it BURNS. I just wanted something cold and quick. I won't do it again. But now it's summertime, and you know what that means...ICE CREAM. My mom just bought this amazing cookie dough ice cream, and I want some so bad, but I know I shouldn't have any. I need to stay vigilant. Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to my grandpa's and I'll help my mom plant flowers and do some manual labor which will keep me from eating and keep me moving. At our field commander sectional today, we moved the stands from the bottom of the hill to the marching band field at the top of the hill. It's a little slope, but it was work carrying that big stand up. The two other girls had to stop many times for just the little stands, and I laughed, but that was me last year, always bellyaching. I went the whole way with no stopping, and I was proud of myself. I could feel those abs working, but I don't do that everyday. Maybe I should. I just can't wait for my days to be filled with stuff so I don't have to eat all the time. Soon I can start swimming and stuff, and hopefully I can volunteer at a local hospital which will keep me busy and on my feet.

Anyways, to help me with this endeavor, I purchased a bottle of Acai Berry Supplements. I'm a skeptic, but hell, desperate times call for desperate measures. I have about 2 weeks worth of pills, so if I up my activity and down my calories, I should start to see results. If I don't, I'll have wasted my cough drop money. Why do Halls have to be so nasty? Bleh. Well they came in handy for my fellow field commander/cheer leader who was losing her voice, so I guess they came to good use.

I really need support, so anything would be awesome!

Happy Blogging!

May 26, 2010

Pocket God: The World In Your Hands!

So yesterday I decided to spend my $1 in iTunes money, and this app cost $0.99. It's called Pocket God, and it's strangely addicting, probably due to its pointless nature. Bolt Creative brings the world a game where everything is completely in your control. There are five island areas, but the game updates often, so that is subject to change, where 6 little islanders called Pygmies can roam. They can go fishing, swim in the ocean and dance about as you please. Now, sounds sissy right? WRONG. This is where the God part comes in. You can control their demise, and then just bring them back with the touch of a button. You can chose to have a T-Rex come and swallow them whole, spear them through in the ocean, or use them as shark bait, as well as many other things. It's all there for you to explore! Each Pygmy keeps a tally of their "gifts" and "sacrifices". Gifts can be catching a fish, going "Into the light" as a ghost or just becoming a ghost, while sacrifices deal with death such as getting caught in an explosion, drowning or even holding in urine until they explode! It's fun to see what all can happen when you're not even expecting it, and the little Pygmies are just so cute you can't help but love them in spite of your violence toward them. It's a good game for when you're feeling particularly vengeful or just having a violent mood. I use this app a lot more than I do most of the other apps I pay for, so it was a wonderful deal. The thing is though that it's kind of a battery drainer if you play it a lot, unlike many other apps I have, so if you get addicted, you'll find yourself needed frequent charges.

Happy Blogging!

May 23, 2010

Stick Shift Troubles

My family has a truck. That's all it is, a truck. An appliance white 1996 Ford F150. I hate it. Mom hates it. We've tried to sell it, but no one wants it, so it sits idle in our driveway half the time, and we store it in the winter. What a life huh? Still, my parents insist on me learning how to drive a stick shift, because it's a skill I'll never forget. If I stay in the US, I don't see why I'll ever need it, because sane people buy automatics. If I go over to Europe, there is more of a chance that I will get a stick shift, but even that is a stretch.

So anyways, I started to learn to drive the abomination a few weeks ago in the nearly empty high school parking lot, and I was able to shift to second gears, turn, "park" and all the jazz. I just can't start from a dead stop, which is kind of important, especially when you have impatient people behind you. However, I did drive the whole mile home after that lesson. Then my next driving experience came on Friday, after an NHS meeting. Dad drove the truck to school to pick me up, so I thought I could drive home. With the younger NHS kids watching, I managed to stall twice, and I gave up. Little did I know that the parking brake was on. I'm so good. Then there was today. Dad drove me around the neighborhood and I watched his feet the whole time. Regardless, I stalled about a million times as I followed his route, twice at a stop sign in front of my neighbor's house, with all of them outside, and then about 4 times at another stop sign with someone behind me. I sat at one intersection for about 5 minutes, because I couldn't start and I would wait for cars half a mile away to pass before I tried to go again. I messed up a lot, but I can still shift gears. It's at the point where I don't know if I'm stalling, or if it will buck and keep going. I went in a big loop, but at least I got that far. I just can't start the damn thing. That would be really nice. I need to learn how to drive the thing so I can drive it during band, hauling the heavy stands to and from the football field a quarter mile away. We've been mooching off another girl and her truck for a year, but she's graduating, and I don't trust her little brother, so I gotta trust my undriving abilities.

Happy Blogging!
Back in the mid-1970s, we adopted some fairly ambitious goals to improve efficiency of our cars. What did we get? We got a tremendous boost in efficiency
                      ~Jay Inslee

May 22, 2010

Woot! 10th Post!

Wow, I was exhausted by 11 after the banquet last night. What a full day, but it was a wonderful day, so I'm glad I was tuckered out. I slept for like 9 and a half hours, which never really happens since something always wakes me up. I completely kicked my sheets and electric blanket off the bed, but hugged my comforter. How I do that, I will never know. Mom took me out to JCPenney's to get a fabulous bathing suit that I found on my boredom drive a few days ago, and I'm so excited to wear it! I'm very self conscious, so getting excited about a bathing suit is about as likely as having Haley's Comet go across the sky on the day you're born and/or the day you die. But it's sooo cute! It's like a little dress, so I'm not as worried about my thighs and hips. Lovely!

But a shopping trip for a bathing suit soon turned into something a lot more. We went to World Market, this amazing store with merchandise from many parts of the world, and I wanted to get a print that said "In Love With London" on it, but it needed a frame and I couldn't afford it. They have candies from Europe, Japan and China, Moroccan scarves and decor, and fun party things and house ware. I love that store so much, but I never really go there because no one else wants to go. Then we went over to Old Navy.

oh.   my.   gosh.

It was worse than black Friday. It was a One Day Wonder, with $1 flip flops. When we got there, a line was weaving through aisles halfway around the store, and the only flip flops left were black and white, and maybe some beige or gold in another size. We went to look for shorts, but we couldn't find any, and we weren't going to wait in that God awful line either. There were team members in clashing outfits with a megaphone horn giving out random prizes, and the black ladies would go crazy if they won. It was a complete zoo, and we had to push our way out of there. No more one day wonders for us!

So my mom walked down the strip mall to the Dress Barn. I have a new favorite store (kind of). I've been getting more and more addicted to dresses lately, and I don't really know why, but this place was FULL OF THEM (who knew?) We went in looking for dresses for a friend's wedding, and my mom never wears dresses, ever, so it was a new experience for her, and I loved helping her out. I tried on a few styles, but one was too old-lady for me, one was too big and too fancy for anything and the last one was cute! I got a salmon sundress for myself, to wear to the wedding probably my friend's grad party, and my mom got this cuuute soft blue dress, that flattered her fabulously, and I even found some matching shoes. They had this strap she didn't normally like, but she LOVED these shoes and they were on sale! It was a great day for a mother/daughter day. We had Panera, and I was exposed to their Caesar Chicken Salad SANDWICH and I wish I got two! It was GREAT. We ended up getting pastries too, and even though we were still full from lunch, we had them too.

Basically, I love shopping. I love getting new things and buying new clothes to look beautiful. I love it when I can make people look better too. That's why, if the whole nursing career doesn't work out, I'll work as a fashion consultant or just at a department store. I don't know what about being a woman makes most of us like shopping, but it's just so much fun! I love going with my friends when they'll try on stuff with me, or I'll try stuff on and they'll give me their opinion. I hope I still have friends like that in a future, and some that don't, because I have those now and they're amazing people!

Happy Blogging!
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.  
                      ~Marcelene Cox

May 21, 2010

Ahh! Forgot to Post!

Wow! I was so bored yesterday after school, and yet I didn't blog anything! Well, I have a legit excuse (yes, legit. I don't say it often, but it slips). Yesterday was our final band concert of the year! That is, unless you count graduation, but that's not our showcase, plus, it's SOOO BORING. I hate graduation, because it depresses me, at least it did last year. I see all of these people going onto another part of their lives and becoming successful, while I'm just doing NOTHING with my life. But I'm trying to change that. 

Anyways, last night was the band concert, and we had a great program. The concert band did an awesome job and the symphonic band killed it, sometimes in the good sense and sometimes in the bad. We played 5 songs: Timestorm, Disney Blockbusters, Space and Beyond (Star Wars, Star Trek and The Planets), Pie Jesu (pronouced Pee-ay Yee-sue Dx) and Phantom of the Opera. I think Phantom was my favorite. In the middle, one of our members had to scream, and then a girl in the concert band in the audience screamed back. It was like an echo, but different tones and I just wanted to laugh. Someone always seems to scream at these concerts. Two years ago, as a freshman, the concert band did a song called "Electricity" and at one part, all the lights in the auditorium go off at once, and one girl screamed. It made us laugh in the dark. 

Tonight though, was the band banquet, a time when most of the band, colorguard and their parents, come together for a night of food and recognition. We get to cheer with our friends, wish off the seniors, and get pepped up for a new year ahead. Awards were given to outstanding people in each class, amazing seniors and to a junior for a senior picture package (too bad the girl was already a rep for another company!) Anyways, there was a lot of happiness and fun in the room, and it was nice getting cheers after being so shy for so long. I've been coming out of my shell with this wonderful group of people, through the hard times and the bad, and I just hope to make it an even better and more enjoyable group of people, as the head field commander and now historian on the Council! It was bittersweet though. All of my friends got on council except for my best friend in the whole wide world, who has wanted it for years. My other friends just want it for a college resume, and she wanted it because she loves the band, and I hate how she felt and looked after the whole thing. She's such a happy, bubbly and amazing person, and I hate to see her upset. I hope I can do something, anything to help her out.

I'm looking forward to a hopefully awesome senior year with the band kids, and hope that everything plays out well! (haha, band pun)

Happy Blogging!
It's our senior year and will be closure for our marching band experience
                     -Katherine Smith

May 19, 2010

Spells by Aprilynne Pike

In a literary world where vampires are a dominant subject, it's refreshing to know that some people can be original and break "norm" with another good book. Spells by Aprilynne Pike, is a faerie book and a sequel to Wings the first in the soon-to-be trilogy/series. Wings came to me in a shallow sort of way: it had a pretty cover! With it's simplicity and beauty, as well as the summer weather, it was the perfect trap for me to pick it up and take it home. The series tells the tale of protagonist Laurel Sewell, who is a faerie living in the human world. She never thought that there was anything different about her until one day, when a bump starts to form on her back. At first she believes it's a tumor of sorts, but eventually, it blooms into a flower. Not exactly normal, so she is forced to hide it while trying to balance out her developing social life, transitioning from home schooling to high school. I haven't read Wings in about a year, so it's hard to summarize it here, and I had a rough time starting this book, where there were references to the last book and I couldn't remember anything about it, such as people, places and things. Laurel and her "parents" live on "the land" as it's referenced as in Spells, and the family has some financial issues, so when a shady real estate agent tries to buy the land, it seems like a wonderful deal. While the woods always seemed magical to Laurel, little did she know that the gate to the faerie land of Avalon rested in the trees. After learning this, she must do everything in her power to prevent the land from being sold to Jeramiah Barnes, enemy to the faeries.

Spells picks up a year after the end of the first novel, when Laurel is called to enter The Academy, a faerie school, for six weeks of training. Before she came to live in the human world, she had lived in Avalon for seven years, but she remembers nothing about it, leaving her far behind her other classmates. With the help of a good looking Tamani (her watchdog of sorts) she adjusts to the Nirvana of Avalon, but after the six weeks are up, she knows she needs to leave Tamani and go back to the human world, where her boyfriend David awaits. The constant threat of trolls and the romantic war between David and Tamani, as well as the straddling between two lives leaves Laurel in a state of disillusionment as conflicts pile up.

Usually I'm not one for faeries, but these books are very well written, and MUCH better in the romantic department than the Twilight Saga. It has a balance of normal problems with a fantasy twist, and the descriptions are beautiful and you just want to fall into the pages and live in Avalon. Vampire books get old after a while, and once you're tired of blood sucking, too-good-to-be-real gorgeousness, go to your local bookstore or library and check out Wings and at least get a taste for something different. Reading a wide range of novels is healthy, especially for book addicts like myself, and hopefully for you. Now, I must ask you:

"Do you believe in faeries?"
-Peter Pan
Happy Blogging!

May 18, 2010

All Is Fair in Love-

One of my defining characteristics among my friends is my love of rainbows. I mean, I LOVE. RAINBOWS. I don't know what it is, but something about the way that all the colors are arranged just awakens something in my brain and it's pleasant to me, but they have to be done right. For example, this picture isn't quite right, as the rainbow has almost no green, so it bothers me a little bit, but the picture does represent my feelings. I have many accessories and such with a rainbow theme, and during my trip to Europe, I just about fainted with how much more they had. I bought a belt, socks, and I wanted to buy a rainbow hoodie, but I didn't for some reason. My first day of marching band, I wore my rainbow belt, and my whistle was on a rainbow lanyard. After the practice, a girl that came back after a year away came up to me and said "I was going to ask you something, but it might offend you." So I replied with "No, what is it?" and she asked in a hushed tone, "Are you like...a lesbian or do you just like rainbows?" Now this girl is awesome, and I know she would never try to offend me. There wasn't any tone of disdain in her voice, and I just laughed and said "I just like rainbows"

Now I've been told many times by several friends that it wouldn't surprise them if I turned out to be at least bisexual, and my other friend says she's waiting for that day to come for some reason. I don't have any problems with gay people, or gay marriage, because I believe that everyone is special in their own way and they all deserve the same amount of happiness. Heck, even the Declaration of Independence says that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Now my dad has stressed the "PURSUIT of happiness" bit, but we're not guaranteed it. You're allowed to work for it. But I digress. My dream for years and years has been to marry a gentleman, and have children with him, and live with him till death do us part. The man is the constant in the equation, yet at the moment, I feel like I lack a sexuality. I don't feel attraction to either side, though last year I was like BOYS BOYS BOYS. I've come to the realization that men are imbeciles, at least in high school, so I just shouldn't waste my valuable brain power on them. Another thing is that my dad is a homophobic, and if I ever became a lesbian, than the relationship between us would probably break completely. In the long run, that would be bad...

So I plead that one day things will change, and that one day headlines with read "GAY MARRIAGE LEGALIZED IN THE US" and cheers will be heard around the world, though it might cause travel to decline to areas like Belgium and Niagara Falls, but I hope not because both places are beautiful!

Happy Blogging!

Who would give a law to lovers?  Love is unto itself a higher law.

May 17, 2010

Clarinet Chaos

Seven years ago, I took the step in middle school to join the fifth grade band with about a million other people, and me, being so lucky, was chosen to play clarinet with about 20 others. My two best friends across the street played clarinet, and I wanted to too! Little did I know what a hassle it would be for me now a junior in high school. (almost a senior, can't forget that!) Last week, we received our audition music for next year, something new. Usually, we don't do auditions for concert band until after marching band, but my band director finally decided that this would be better because it better shows our playing abilities and some people don't play the same instrument in marching band as they do in concert band. That KILLED me this past year. It was my first year as a drum major/field commander/student director and therefore, I didn't play my instrument for about....5 months. I went down six chairs placements, from 5th chair and playing 2nd part, to 11th...last...playing 3rd. Now for all of you who aren't familiar with all these band terms, even though the directors say that's not the case, chair placements show one's proficiency within the band. First chair is the best player in the band, and last chair is the "worst". Also, there are first, second and third parts, with the first part being the hardest and the third part being the "easiest". While still in the top band, being last chair made me feel horrible, so I signed up for lessons to prevent this next year.

Lessons were awful. I'm a very sensitive person, and I was on some major hormone pills, which made it all the worst. Every Wednesday (pretty much) my mom would drive me out to my teacher's house, and we'd play. I'd feel horrible about my lack of ability, because he would always play complicated pieces from memory, and he taught the best 3 players, as well as the only freshman in the top band. Here I was, a junior, last chair, while the top player was a junior and had only been playing the instrument for a year. Yeah, I felt like crap, often having to hide tears. We stopped the lessons after about 2 months, and I felt even worse when I was called a quitter. Part of me wants to go back, now that I'm a bit more chill, but another just says "save your mom's money." After all, I'm only going to be in band for one more year, since I probably won't play in college.

So now, I'm wetting my new reed and getting ready to practice my music. The chromatic scale is going to kill me, because I never learned it all the way up and down, while other people just zip up and down the whole thing. I feel like I should ask for help, but when? Yeah, it's just a huge fiasco, and hopefully I won't feel as emotional and crappy once I get my destined last chair once more. I hate being pessimistic, I really do, but it just slips out sometimes. I hope I don't get last chair, because we're graduating five seniors in the section, but we're also getting a bunch of kick butt freshman apparently, and there are a bunch of soon to be juniors and a soon to be senior in the other band that have a change to come up. I just gotta work at it! Tryouts are the week after Memorial Day, wish me luck!
Happy Blogging!
I look at my clarinet sometimes and I think, I wonder what's going to come out of there tonight? You never know.
                                    -Acker Bilk

May 16, 2010

Blast to the Past

Today was a pretty lazy day. I slept through church, a treat for me, since my brother didn't need to go. Once I got up from that, I sat around and plays some Sims 2, not getting much done on that either. There was lunch after the boys left to go play baseball, and while they were out, I made a trip to Barnes and Noble to buy my 3 summer reading books for AP English, putting me back $50. I thought that the coupon my teacher gave us was going to give us a discount, but instead a percentage went to after-prom, which I'm not even going to! Well, I hope my senior friends have fun with my money! I had to buy "All the King's Men", "The Things They Carried" and "A Brave New World". I have so much to read and for once I'm not particularly looking forward to it, but it will get done, as it always does. While at the bookstore, I read through the second Black Butler manga, which I will buy eventually, and then I just headed home. I got home and my neighbor mistook me for my brother, and I stayed inside most of the day.

But you may be thinking "why is this titled 'Blast to the Past' if it's all about what you did today?" Well for one, it is the past now, but the real reason is due to the fact that I watched The Brave Little Toaster on Youtube today! I remember watching that movie to death as a kid, but I never realized that it was more of a grown up animated feature. The references aren't those that children would understand, such as the historical allusions made by Radio (who has to be my favorite character) and Lampy even made a reference to the Holocaust when he said "when my first lightbulb burned out, I thought I was done for, 86ed, TO THE SHOWERS" and I was just like WOW (that's a low price!). Anyways, it's also pretty scary! I remember being scared of some parts as a kid, but I never realized how dark it was! I mean, exhibit A, the nightmare sequence, when Toaster dreams of seeing his "master" again, only to have the whole thing go up in smoke, and have THIS GUY come and show up! I'm not scared of clowns, but that's just WRONG. And then there is a whole part where the Air Conditioner gets furious and starts shouting and then blows a fuse and DIES. It caused a whole bunch on controversy, but it was made when animated films were made to be much darker than today's rainbows and unicorns and Barbie and everything is happy all the time. I mean come on, it was made in 1987 (another thing I didn't know. It had to be at least 10 years old when I saw it!).

All in all though, it was nice to see it again, even the disturbing bits. If you want to, you can see 10 of the 11 parts on Youtube, because the first broke copyright laws or something. If you didn't watch it as a kid, just spend an hour and a half of your time on a lazy day like today and watch it then. It's so amusing!

Happy Blogging!

"Memory is a child walking along a seashore.  You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things"
-Pierce Harris

May 15, 2010

Animal Adventures!

Today, my family took an excursion to the city zoo. It's unusual to have a trip where all four of us go out. It was a very pleasant 65 degrees outside, making it an ideal zoo day. When we arrived there, we were forced to the very back of the lot, something that's never happened before. It was a walk just to get to the entrance! The sidewalks were crowded with God knows how many strollers with sleeping or crying babies, and lots of other parents and children. The whole front was a mess, due to the building of a new elephant enclosure that will open in a year. We decided to start at the top and work our way down the hill to make things easier on us, so it was up to the Aquarium and Big Cats, which haven't changed at all, except for the absence of the stonefish. I can say though that the red panda is my new favorite animal. It's so cute, with its tiny little face and almost catlike appearance! I wish I could have gotten a better picture, but my camera just wasn't with it today. Everything was mostly the same at the zoo, with the animals lazying around in the warm, but not hot, sun. Construction on the bridge dividing the zoo had kicked the tigers out of their habitat though, being only about 10 feet away. One thing though that was AMAZING was that the wolves were out and about! One even paced right in front of the glass! I'd never seen so many of them in the exhibit, because usually they are being all reclusive and not wanting to show their cute faces, but they were so beautiful out today. Another thing was that it seemed that one of the sea lions was missing. I'm not one to remember individuals animals, but this sea lion had one eye. It was sewn shut, so it always looked like it was winking at you, and that one was gone. Lastly, there was this giraffe that had wandered very close to the fence in order to eat. I used no zoom for this picture. It was pretty crazy. Before I had the chance to take a picture, he had been reaching out and sticking his tongue out really far, but then he decided to just find a place closer to the plants. Another giraffe was leaning over and eating grass, but then he just laid down and started to eat. I think it was a teenage giraffe, lazy...

In the end, we all got to see most of the zoo, and I got to spend some time with my dad in the dinosaur exhibit. It was a fun family day, even if we didn't spend much time as a unit...which saddens me. It was still a great day outside, and I hope we have more days like it.

Happy Blogging!

May 14, 2010

Der Eyes Wuz Watchin' God

Since I am an avid reader, part of this blog will be book reviews and such things. I have a hard time reading more than one book at once successfully, these will be not few, so much as far between. Today's book is "Their Eyes were Watching God" by Zora Neal Hurston. I found out today that it was made into a movie staring Halle Berry, but I'm a bit scared to see the movie because I have a love/hate relationship with this book. I like it because it is a love story and it's actually starting to get cute. I hate it because of the dialect that they use. It's heavy, uneducated sounding Florida speech. For example, "I" is "Ah" and "with" is "wid". It was hard in the beginning, but now it's more normal, but that doesn't make it any more fun to read. I find myself reading with a black woman's voice in the back of my head. What makes it all the more amusing that my English teacher says some of the dialect, but uses a normal "Ohio Accent". It's like...Spanglish in a way.

Anyways, the book is starts off with the protagonist Janie Crawford returning to a town she had left for a while. She is forty years old, and the people in town knew that she ran off years ago to be with a guy named Teacake, and now he's not in the picture. Janie goes to her friend Phoeby, who asks what happened, and Janie, to tell what happened to Teacake, needs to tell the whole story of her marriages. And so begins the story of Janie, starting at about 16 years old, pressured by her Nanny (Grandmother) to marry soon. It's a tale of heartbreak, wealth, hardships and love. I'm not done reading it yet, but that's what makes this exciting. You don't know what happens, and neither do I! I still don't know what happened to Teacake.

This book is slightly confusing, but that's mostly because of the language. If you are up to the challenge, read it independently, but otherwise, have an expert (or Sparknotes) lead you through it and help you realize what's really going on in the story. It says on the back of my copy that this book is as good as a Hemingway, or a Fitzgerald, and perhaps it is, but in a different way. I haven't read much Hemingway and no Fitzgerald, so it's hard for me to judge. This wouldn't be a book that I would just pick up at the store, because it's not exactly the genre that interests me, but I probably wouldn't have read The Scarlet Letter either and I love that book thanks to English class.

Happy Blogging/Reading!
"Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life."
 -Mortimer J. Adler

May 13, 2010


So I'm really forgetful, and I hate to admit it. I don't forget things like birthdays or my parents' anniversary, but that's because I have them written down. However, I do have a tendency to suffer from the whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing. Like today. Two months ago we had a big band concert, with the 5th-8th grade and the two high school bands playing. At the end of the program, all of the bands play two songs together, so the middle school band director gets up on this drum major stand that I used last year, and she directs them all while me, the two other drum majors, and the two high school band directors handle the other bands. My friend and I dragged that stand from one end of the school to the other, down a hill and then up a hill. However, the trailer was locked, so we just slid it underneath. 

That was two months ago. 
Where do you think the stand is today? If you guessed under the trailer, you are right!

I was at school for 2 and a half extra hours today for drum major try outs, and while the other auditioners and I were waiting to go into our interview or wait to see who got picked, I kept thinking "I'm going to get those keys from Foster and get that stand in there". Did I? Of course not. I couldn't see it! It will probably be under there until Memorial day, when we need to come to the school and get uniforms. Or maybe tomorrow during band I'll just get the keys and do away with it, because my poor Tommy has been out in all weather, and he can't handle that, my poor metal baby.


Yes, I named a stand. He was my support through the months of marching band heaven and hell. He's a big boy, and I put him through much abuse. No one can replace Tommy, not even his big brother Adam, who will be mine next year!...Whoa...need to tame the ego. I will NOT be a dictator!

So this was a pretty fail entry. I wish I could keep a topic going and keep it entertaining like Sarah Thomas but I just don't seem to have that ability yet. Hopefully when life goes on I'll have more exciting things to write about. 

Happy Blogging!

"Please stop quoting me. Not everything I say is some witty quotation."
-Mark Twain

May 12, 2010

Introduction! Introducción! Einleitung! Hello! Hola! Hallo!

Okay, so that second half of the title could have been my first sentence, but it gives more room to be creative, even if this first sentence wasn't really creative at all, in hindsight. ANYWHOS I'm Devon! You can call me Devon, Ducky, Pia (don't ask) Mrs. Lambert (Or Mrs. Ratliff according to M.A.S.H) or anything else really. I wish for a nickname that sticks! I absolutely LOVE the store Charlotte Russe, and I frequent their website, as well as even if I'm poor and can't really afford anything at the latter. I love vintage style, because it's classy and mature and usually not as whorish as current fashion. Perhaps it's because I can't pull off the whore look, but I don't think I would want to attract the attention of that sort of man. Instead, I'd want to attract more mature men, perhaps and older man, but not like...OLD old. Like...5-10 years older than me, but I'm not sure yet. I need to date people my own age first.

 I love color, especially when it's put into rainbow sequence, as in ROY G BIV. Makes me want to make a Sim named Roy Biv. Photography is a hobby of mine, though I don't do it much because my digital camera can't hold a charge for very long. I like to make things pretty, myself included, though when I put on makeup, I think I look like a gay guy trying to make himself look like a woman. My hair is cut short, and my English class constantly makes me feel like a man because in half the books we read, hair represents femininity for a woman. I ADORE Carey Mulligan's hair. It's so cute and playful, and just the way I wish I could make it look, but I'm not as cute as Carey. To think she was once a playful, minor-character Bennet sister in Pride and Prejudice and now she's out for an Oscar or something! I don't know, I don't keep up with such celebrity babble, but I do drool over them otherwise. Adam Lambert is my current obsession, as well as his famous AMA-kiss-recipient, Tommy Ratliff! Let's see, Peter Facinelli is a stagnant addiction, and will be hyped up again once Eclipse hits theaters. I personally hate Bella and Edward, and since they dominate the story, it's hard to like the series, but Dr. Carlisle, Alice and Jasper make it all worth the $7.50 I pay for a matinee....$7.50. Hollywood sure knows how to weasel money out of broke kids, I tell ya, coming from a broke kid who spends their FREE time on the computer blogging about thyself. I need a job...

Well, that's enough of an into for tonight. If I stay up much later I won't be able to make it through the afternoon tomorrow and I really need to! Plus if I write much more, I won't have anything else to blog about for a while.

Happy Blogging!

"Don't be so humble--you are not that great"
-Golda Meir

Mi perfil

Edgy, Excitable, Music-Loving, Ambitious, Nervous, Shy, Leader, Nerdy, Quirky, Tad OCD